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    N-Gen Forums (for those under 16 only)

    Ch. 1: The Louder Echo - Would you rather watch TV or surf the Net?

    Ch. 3: The Generation Lap - How much do your parents know about what you're doing online?

    Ch. 4: The Culture of Interaction - Are you part of a cyber community?

    Ch. 5: The N-Gen Mind - How have you best used the Net in doing a school assignment?

    Ch. 7: N-Gen Learning - If you were a teacher, how would you use the Net in your classroom?

    Ch. 8: N-Gen at Play - What is your favorite online activity?

    Ch. 9: N-Gen Consumers - Do you ever buy things over the Net?

    Ch. 10: N-Gen at Work - If you could invent your own job for the future, what would it be?

    Ch. 11: N-Gen and the Family - Is using the Net one of life's pleasures or just another pressure?

    Ch. 12: The Digital Divide - How can we close the Digital Divide?

    Ch. 13: Leaders of the Future - What do you think is society's biggest problem?


    Grown Up Forums

    Ch. 1: The Louder Echo - What experiences define your generation?

    Ch. 3: The Generation Lap - Is your relationship with your children different than the relationship you had with your parents?

    Ch. 4: The Culture of Interaction - Are you part of a cyber community?

    Ch. 5: The N-Gen Mind - Does Internet addiction really exist? Tell us your stories.

    Ch. 7: N-Gen Learning - Have you ever considered going back to school as an adult?

    Ch. 8: N-Gen at Play - Do you think playing video games makes people more violent?

    Ch. 9: N-Gen as Consumers - Do you think we're spoiled by all the consumer choices we have today?

    Ch. 10: N-Gen at Work - What is your biggest fear about the changing workplace?

    Ch. 11: N-Gen and the Family - Do you think the Net should be regulated?

    Ch. 12: The Digital Divide - How can we close the Digital Divide?

    Ch. 12: Leaders of the Future - What do you think is the biggest problem in society today?

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